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2022 - First Quarter Training

  • February 24, 2022
  • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • South Carolina Fire Academy - 141 Monticello Trail, Columbia SC

Registration is closed

The S.C. Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators (SCIAAI) is proud to announce the 2022 1st Quarter Training Seminar. The instructor will be Ed Nordskog, retired from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Arson-Bomb unit after 34 years of service.

The 2022 Wildland and Serial Arson Training will focus on strengthening “case building techniques” by investigators.  Past analysis has shown that many investigators have been involved in large or ongoing cases and have even developed a potential suspect or person of interest.  However, the case becomes stalled as the investigators run out of leads or are unable to link the suspect to the crimes. 

This training will provide a look at traditional, time-tested investigative techniques and help the investigator use these skills along with newer, more innovative techniques and technology to identify witnesses, develop suspects, and to positively link the suspect to one or more of the arson events.

Topics to be discussed during this training include the use of technology, canvassing operations, forensics, interview strategies, camera systems to locate both suspects and witnesses, crime pattern analysis, the use of a crime analyst, and the use of a profiler.  Additional items to be covered; Case studies: Profile of a Wildland Arsonist, Case studies: Case Building of Wildland related cases, Arsonist M.O./Signature/Ritual; Analysis and Profiling, Incendiary Devices in the Wildlands

Ed will have his latest book “Arson Investigation in the Wildlands” for sale!

This training is scheduled for a minimum of 8 contact hours. Testing options will be discussed at the training event. Member attendance fee is $25 and non-member attendance fee is $100. Lunch is on your own.  Pre-registration is required: Register online for this class at www.sciaai.org. The cutoff date for registration is Monday, February 20, 2022. Non-member attendance must be pre-approved by the SCIAAI Board. Pending applicants pay “member fee” to attend. Those wishing to apply for SCIAAI membership can download an application from the website at www.sciaai.org.

Mailing Address: SCIAAI, P.O. Box 212486, Columbia, SC 29221-2486
The South Carolina Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators is a South Carolina non-profit organization. 

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